Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Cool Gift!

This is one of coolest gifts I’ve ever gotten… a coffee mug that is an exact replica of a “Canon” EF 24-105mm camera lens.  The detailing is impressive, right down to the auto focus and stabilizer switches that move.  It doesn’t have a handle (because camera lens don’t have handles), but it doesn’t need one.  I filled mine with hot coffee and felt no heat on my hand, so holding it without a handle works just fine.  I thought it might tip easily because the bottom is narrower then the top, but it is actually very stable.  A very cool gift idea if you know of anyone who likes photography!


They have both a “Canon” lens and a “Nikon” lens depending on the preference of the photographer in your life.  Find out… because photographers tend to shoot one or the other, not both.  Give a “Canon” shooter a “Nikon” lens and chances are they will re-gift it to someone they don’t like!  Loyalties run deep!

Shonee bought my mug through the online “Photojojo” store.  They have a lot of other cool gift ideas for photographers.  Here’s the link… Photojojo

It’s too late for this Christmas… but there is always next year… or a birthday… or just because…

Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Reception for Governor-elect Sandoval

I was recently asked to photograph a small private reception for Nevada’s Governor-elect Brian Sandoval.  The following link leads to a public gallery of those images:

Reception for Governor-elect Sandoval


