Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun with Glow Sticks!

This weekend our daughter, Abree, had a few friends over and they decided they wanted to have a “fashion” shoot.  They had some glow sticks so we decided to turn off the lights and have some fun!

Fun with Glow Sticks 70 ppi-1

We decided to try writing their names.  It took a few tries to get the lettering right, but I think they nailed it!

Fun with Glow Sticks 70 ppi-2

They thought I was the best photographer ever!  To get this shot I set my camera to “bulb” mode and held the shutter open for about 3 sec.  at  f/5.6 with an ISO of 6400.  I sat my camera on some steps to keep it steady since I didn’t have my tripod handy.  Turns out this is a great little “party trick” that 11 year olds love! 

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